Refuge LARP Edmonton is primarily active on Facebook and Discord. If you're looking to connect with us, we encourage using Facebook or Discord. You'll find lots of friendly players and quick answers to your questions there! You can find direct links for our social media at the bottom of this page.

Facebook is typically used for chapter announcements and player posts (e.g., general questions, questions about upcoming events, carpooling requests, costuming advice).

Discord is an excellent place to see chapter announcements and have in-game and out-of-game chats with other players. It's an excellent venue for continuing roleplaying between events (with the other place for online roleplaying being the forums).

Both Facebook and Discord are excellent places for new players to ask questions. We also have New Player Representatives who can be a great resource, too! If you're looking for help, we strongly recommend posting there! 

Interested in more? Our international organization has a website, Facebook, Discord, Instagram, YouTube Channel, and Twitter. Feel free to give those a follow, if you're interested!

Need to get in touch with a specific member of our staff? Here are their email addresses: